Innovative Vocational Education and Training in the Eastern Greater Poland Region in the Context of Energy Transitio

 inno VET

Project funded under the EEA Financial Mechanism and with the use of national funds available under the Education Programme


Project name:  „Innovative Vocational Education and Training in the Eastern Greater Poland Region in the Context of Energy Transition

Component III of the EDUCATION PROGRAMME: Institutional cooperation to improve the quality and relevance of vocational education and training (VET) and continuing education


Project no.: EOG/21/K3/W/0046


Main objective of the project:

The main objective of the project is to prepare local authorities (as institutions managing vocational schools and vocational training institutions) and other stakeholders for challenges posed by the changes in the economic structure as a result of the energy transition in the Wielkopolska Wschodnia (Eastern Greater Poland) region.

Detailed objectives::

  1. Analysis of the resources, potential and needs of the VET sector;
  2. Development of the basis for the implementation of VET strategic management in Eastern Greater Poland;
  3. Improvement in local VET stakeholders’ knowledge of the VET sector development programmes and strategies;
  4. Definition, dissemination and implementation of cooperation instruments and best practices concerning cooperation between employers and VET institutions;
  5. Institutional development and internationalisation of partners; Establishment of closer cooperation between countries disbursing funds and Poland; and
  6. Promotion of vocational education and training as a priority educational choice

Eligible value: 242 730,00 EUR

Requested and awarded grant amount: 242 730,00EUR

% of co-financing: 100%

 Termin realizacji:

Start date: 1 January 2022 r.
End date: 31 December 2023 r.


Leader: Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute for Sustainable Technologies (Radom, Poland)



  1. Centrum Wsparcia Rzemiosła, Kształcenia Dualnego i Zawodowego w Koninie / Centre for Craftsmanship, Dual Education and Vocational Education
  2. FURIM Institutt (Oslo, Norway)



  1. Analysis of vocational education and training in the Eastern Greater Poland region in the context of energy transition.
  2. Development and preparation of the strategy for vocational education and training in the context of energy transition in the Eastern Greater Poland region.
  3. Preparation of a monograph: Good practices in innovative vocational education and training in the context of energy transition in Eastern Greater Poland. School-employer cooperation instruments in the field of dual and vocational education and training in Norway and Poland.
  4. Four dissemination events (workshops): in Konin (county/district and town), Koło (county/district), Słupca (county/district) and Turek (county/district).
  5. Two international project partner meetings. Learning and training-related activities: project staff training (Oslo, Norway).
  6. Two international project partner meetings (Konin, Poland).
  7. Final conference (Konin, Poland).



  • Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute for Sustainable Technologies

    In the more than 30-year history of Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute for Sustainable Technologies  R&D work has been carried out as part of national and international research and education projects. In 2017-19 ITeE as a leading partner implemented the project:Vocational qualifications as a key to success-we support the development of vocational education in the Urban Functional Area of Poznan”.The project was aimed at developing a diagnosis on streng ´ thening and adapting VET education and training in 23 schools to the needs of the labour market. The staff actively participate in activities aimed at the modernisation of VET education, taking part in the following MEN system projects:Improvement of core curricula as a key to modernisation of VET education,which involved the development of core curricula,curricula with a thematic and modular structure,and recommended equipment for classrooms and workshops;or Vocational school as a positive choice school;Monitoring of the implementation of core curricula for VETeducation,etc.At present,it is implementing the MEN POWER project e.g concerning the development of additional vocational skills and e-resources for vocational education

  • Centre for Craftsmanship, Dual Education and Vocational Education

    CWRKDiZ is an umbrella organization supporting the development of vocational education in Wielkopolska Wschodnia and the popularization of vocational education among primary school students. The main goal of the Center is to disseminate forms of cooperation between vocational schools and employers in the process of dual and vocational education at both the regional and local levels. The Center is involved in obtaining EU funds and supporting professional internships in Wielkopolska Wschodnia and foreign internships (international projects in the field of Erasmus+ mobility). Together with the managing bodies and schools, it undertakes cyclical initiatives to promote vocational schools: Professionals' Night - 800 participants, Candidate for a Medal competition, professional city games. CWRKDiZ runs the only FRSE Regional Information Point in Greater Poland. It conducts its own research on the labor market and vocational education. Educational activities for students and teachers are an important element (career counseling, management and implementation of projects, i.e. School Business Incubators. Partnerships have been established with local governments, employers and institutions providing vocational education.

    Link to the project website: Innowacyjne kształcenie i szkolenie zawodowe w Wielkopolsce Wschodniej i kontekście transformacji energetycznej | Centrum Wsparcia Rzemiosła, Kształcenia Dualnego i Zawodowego w Koninie (

  • FURIM Institute

    FURIM conducts research and development activities using scientific and evidence-based methods and develops and implements projects through the transformation of the knowledge into technical knowledge and to use these approaches as solution tools through project-based works.Key areas include Social innovation Education,Social Inclusion&Integration, implementation of technology and Social Media,Youth empowerment,Project management, enhancing of Capacity building activities,Entrepreneurship Education,Active citizenship engagement,Sustainability education. It participates in national and international networks;develops effective cooperation with stakeholders and aims to carry out social innovation studies.In collaboration with national and international organisations,it develops curriculum/syllabus for formal,non-formal and in-formal education organisations,creates face-to-face and distance learning content,and actively participates in educational platforms.

Kick-off conference

Dissemination workshops

Workshops were held between 15 and 18 November 2022 to disseminate the activities taken in the project. The events were attended by 87 people: representatives of authorities running secondary schools, managers of vocational schools and vocational education and training institutions, school principals and deputy principals, practical training managers, business owners, and journalists. The workshop helped disseminate the obtained project results and present plans and methods for strategy development and implementation. Direct communication with attendees (local partners) provided project partners with valuable feedback enabling the evaluation and summary of the current activities (i.e. analysis results).

Miejsce: Starostwo Powiatowe w Kole, sala sesyjna

ul. Sienkiewicza 21/23, 62-600 Koło

obecnych 16 osób

Urząd Miasta w Koninie, sala 101

Plac Wolności 1, 62-500 Konin

obecnych 36 osób

Starostwo Powiatowe w Turku, sala sesyjna

ul. Kaliska 59, 62-700 Turek

obecnych 19 osób

Starostwo Powiatowe w Słupcy, sala sesyjna

ul. Poznańska 20, 62-400 Słupca

obecnych 16 osób

A conference disseminating project results

On November 14, 2023, a conference was held at the Academy of Applied Sciences in Konin where the results of the international project entitled: "Innovative Vocational Education and Training in the Wielkopolska Wschodnia Region in the Context of Energy Transition" were disseminated.

The conference was organized by project partners: Łukasiewicz Research Network, Institute of Sustainable Technologies in Radom (leader), Centre for Craftsmanship, Dual Education and Vocational Education in Konin, Furim Institutt from Oslo.


The event featured:

  • a comprehensive genesis and assumptions of the project (Małgorzata Sołtysiak, Łukasiewicz - ITeE).
  • Result 1 – Diagnosis of vocational education and training in the context of the energy transformation of Wielkopolska Wschodnia (Dr. Mirosław Żurek, Łukasiewicz – ITeE).
  • Result 2. Strategy of vocational education and training in Wielkopolska Wschodnia in the context of energy transformation by 2040 (Arleta Jaśniewicz, CWRKDiZ, Konin).
  • Result 3 - Good practices in innovative vocational education and training in the context of the transformation of Wielkopolska Wschodnia: "Patronage classes" (Jerzy Markowski, Complex of General and Technical Schools in Kłodawa).
  • Result 3 – Strategy in the Norwegian perspective – examples of good practice relevant to vocational education and training (on behalf of the Norwegian partner - Remigiusz Mazur, Łukasiewicz – ITeE).
  • Result 3 – The path to vocation – Oslo County Strategy towards vocational education and training (Edyta Kozieł, Łukasiewicz – ITeE).
  • Further actions - implementation of the  Strategy for vocational education and training in the context of energy transition in the Wielkopolska Wschodnia region was presented by Andrzej Budny, Director of the Centre for Craftsmanship, Dual Education and Vocational Education in Konin

During the conference, Andrzej Budny, Director of CWRKDIZ in Konin, presented ceremonial thanks to the representatives of the institutions involved in the project and the signatories of the letter of intent.

Project results

  • 1. Analysis of vocational education and training in the Wielkopolska Wschodnia region in the context of energy transition






    Changes in the transformation of the economy to a sustainable model require changes in the need for innovative education in relation to the energy transformation of Wielkopolska Wschodnia. It is necessary to identify the needs of employers and the necessity to modify the vocational education offer through the developed research tool (questionnaire type and in-depth interviews). The collected information will determine the areas and directions relevant for the development of the analysis of dependent and relevant variables for stakeholders. The verification of information in the field of new qualifications, competencies, occupations related to the regional labour market in relation to the definition of the transformation strategy will be necessary to develop the strengths and weaknesses of vocational training institutions and local employers. The diagnosis will take into account elements of the adopted transformation and issues relevant to vocational education with the involvement of employers and VET institutions.

  • 2. Strategy for vocational education and training in the context of energy transition in the Wielkopolska Wchodnia region

    Input data – recommendations for the strategy

    REPORT - Input and recommendations

    Publikacja zwarta: Strategia kształcenia i szkolenia zawodowego w kontekście transformacji energetycznej Wielkopolski Wschodniej do roku 2040

    Publication: Strategy for vocational education and training in the context of the energy transformation of Wielkopolska Wschodnia until 2040

    The publication presents the Strategy for vocational education and training in the context of the energy transformation of Wielkopolska Wschodnia by 2040, developed with the participation of a wide range of experts from the institutions implementing the project, as well as representatives of schools/institutions providing vocational education, local government units, education boards, crafts, employers, associations. and organizations associating employers, public employment services, universities and other institutions.

    The Strategy included, among others: vision of vocational education in Wielkopolska Wschodnia until 2040, for which key innovative directions of vocational education were identified and detailed, against the background of which goals for vocational education were indicated along with the priority projects assigned to them.

    The priority projects were focused on, among others: on:

    • diagnosing and developing the educational offer of schools and institutions providing training in vocational training professions in accordance with the needs of the labor market;
    • diagnosing the needs and equipping schools and institutions providing training in vocational training professions with modern equipment and materials, enabling the implementation of educational outcomes in conditions similar to the real work environment;
    • identifying staffing needs and improving the competences of vocational education teachers and practical vocational training instructors;
    • supporting employers in the process of engaging in activities aimed at improving the quality of education in vocational training professions;
    • expanding the offer of cooperation between employers and schools and institutions providing education in vocational training professions;
    • taking actions aimed at increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of career counseling for young people studying in schools and institutions providing education in vocational training professions;
    • diagnosing the needs and professional development of career advisors, educators and teachers involved in the implementation of career counseling for young people and equipping career counseling laboratories;
    • undertaking effective and efficient cooperation in the field of career counseling by schools and institutions providing education in vocational training professions with institutions and employers.
  • 3. Good practices in innovative vocational education and training in the context of energy transition in Wielkopolska Wschodnia (monograph)

    Another result developed in the project is a scientific monograph entitled "Good practices in innovative vocational education and training in the context of the transformation of Wielkopolska Wschodnia", which presents 10 good practices in VET that can be implemented by schools providing education in vocational education professions in the context of the energy transformation of Wielkopolska Wschodnia. When selecting examples of good practices, the consortium representatives were guided primarily by the fact that the selected practices:

    ·         they come from the areas where the partners operate, therefore these activities are verified and therefore reliable;

    ·         are unique activities and therefore innovative;

    ·         they are achievable, so they can encourage others to implement them;

    ·         they do not duplicate each other, but complement each other, so everyone can find something for themselves.

    This approach resulted in the manual presenting a spectrum of forms of cooperation between schools and employers. The role of internationalization and the possibility of obtaining support under EU instruments and programs were emphasized.

    Selected examples of good practices complement the "Strategy for vocational education and training in the context of the energy transformation of Wielkopolska Wschodnia until 2040" developed in the project and show that the actions proposed in it as part of priority projects are possible to implement.

    As part of good practices, two exemplary internship training programs have been developed for students training in the professions of renewable energy equipment and systems technicians and electrical technicians, which, in the opinion of the diagnosis participants, are strategic for the region in the context of energy transformation. Internships are organized to facilitate obtaining experience and practical skills necessary to perform work in the profession in which they are trained; students of technical secondary schools and students of first-cycle vocational schools who are not juvenile workers may undergo an internship in real working conditions during their studies. Student internships may also take place during summer or winter breaks, and a student completing a student internship may receive a monthly cash benefit.


    Monografia „Dobre praktyki w innowacyjnym kształceniu i szkoleniu zawodowym w kontekście transformacji Wielkopolski Wschodniej”

    Monograph: Good practices in innovative vocational education and training in the context of the transformation of Wielkopolska Wschodnia region

    Program stażu dla uczniów kształcących się w zawodzie technik urządzeń i systemów energetyki odnawialnej